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  • 科学研究
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单位:微电子学与固体电子学系 出生年月: 学历:博士 职称:副教授、副研究员、高工 职务: 电话: 邮箱:suzhicheng@seu.edu.cn 地址:九龙湖电子大楼602

2009.09-2013.07 北京师范大学 本科; 

2013.09-2017.08 香港大学   博士


2017.09-2018.06 香港大学 博士后; 

2018.07-2019.08 比利时鲁汶大学 博士后; 

2019.09-2022.01 澳大利亚国立大学 博士后;

2022.02-  至今     东南大学

单位:微电子学与固体电子学系 出生年月: 学历:博士 职称:副教授、副研究员、高工 职务: 电话: 邮箱:suzhicheng@seu.edu.cn 地址:九龙湖电子大楼602


单位:微电子学与固体电子学系 出生年月: 学历:博士 职称:副教授、副研究员、高工 职务: 电话: 邮箱:suzhicheng@seu.edu.cn 地址:九龙湖电子大楼602
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研,主持; 2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,在研,主持; 3. 东南大学高层次人才科研启动项目,在研, 主持; 4. 东南大学至善青年学者科研项目,在研,主持; 5. 东南大学电子学院“双一流”学科影响力提升项目,在研, 主持;

Selected Publiactions:

1. Zhicheng Su, Jingshi Yan, Naiyin Wang, Chennupati Jagadish, Dragomir Neshev, Hark Hoe Tan. Tunable Enhanced Second‐Harmonic Generation in InP‐InAsP Quantum Well Nanomembranes. Small, 2024, 2307512, 1.

2. Fanlu Zhang, Zhicheng Su, Zhe Li, Yi Zhu, Nikita Gagrani, Ziyuan Li, Mark Lockrey, Li Li, Igor Aharonovich, Yuerui Lu, Hark Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish, Lan Fu. High-Speed Multiwavelength InGaAs/InP Quantum Well Nanowire Array Micro-LEDs for next Generation Optical Communications. Opto-Electronic Science, 2023, 2, 230003.

3.Su, Z. C., Matias Bejide, Piero Ferrari, Kevin Anthony Kaw, Michèle Moris, K. Clays, Stefan Knoppe, Thierry Verbiest, Peter Lievens, Ewald Janssens. The wavelength-dependent non-linear absorption and refraction of Au25 and Au38 monolayer-protected clusters. Nanoscale 2022.

4.Su, Z. C.*; Naiyin Wang; Hark Hoe Tan; Chennupati Jagadish. 2D carrier localization in novel layered wurtzite-zincblende InP nanomembranes. ACS Photonics 2021, 8, 1735.

5.Su, Z. C.; Ren, Z. Y.; Bao, Y. T.; Lao, X. Z.; Zhang, J. F.; Zhang, J. C.; Zhu, D. L.; Lu, Y. M.; Hao, Y.; Xu, S. J. Luminescence landscapes of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond: quasi-localized vibrational resonances and selective coupling. J. Mater. Chem. C 2019, 7, 8086.

6.Su, Z. C.; Xu, S. J. Effective lifetimes of minority carriers in time-resolved photocurrent and photoluminescence of a doped semiconductor: Modelling of a GaInP solar cell. Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. Cells 2019, 193, 292.

7.Su, Z. C.; Xu, S. J.; Wang, X. H.; Ning, J. Q.; Wang, R. X.; Lu, S. L.; Dong, J. R.; Yang, H. Effective photon recycling and super long lived minority carriers in GaInP/GaAs heterostructure solar cell: A time-resolved study. IEEE J. Photovolt. 2018, 8, 820.

8.Su, Z. C.#; Ye, H. G.#; Xiong, Z.; Tang, F.; Lou, Q.; Tang, J. Y.; Dai, J. Y.; Shan, C. X.; Xu, S. J. Understanding and manipulating luminescence in Carbon nanodots. Carbon 2018, 126, 58. 

9.Su, Z. C.; Wang, Z. L.; Yu, J. D.; Yi, Y.; Wang, M. Z.; Wang, L.; Luo, Y.; Wang, J. N.; Xu, S. J. Managing green emission in coupled InGaN QW-QDs nanostructures via nanoengineering. J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121, 22523.

10.Su, Z. C.; Xu, S. J.; Wang, R. X.; Ning, J. Q.; Dong, J. R.; Lu, S. L.; Yang, H. Electroluminescence probe of internal processes of carriers in GaInP single junction solar cell. Sol. Energ. Mat. Sol. Cells 2017, 168, 201.

Selected Conferences:

[1] Z. Su, J. Yan, N. Wang, C. Jagadish, D. Neshev, H.H. Tan, The enhanced second-harmonic generation in InP nanomembranes with InAsP QW, in: Aust. Res. Counc. Cent. Excell. Transform. Meta-Optical Syst. ECR/Student Conf. 2021, Canberra, Australia, 2021.

[2] Z. Su, 半导体功能材料和微结构荧光机理的光谱学研究, 复旦大学第五届光华青年学者论坛, 上海, 2021.

[3] Z. Su, The luminescence mechanism and dynamics in semiconductor nanostructures, in: 2021 Phys. Forum Chinese Univ. Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China, 2021.

[4] 苏志成, 半导体量子结构的超快载流子动力学研究, 华南理工大学2021年云论坛, 广州, 2021.

[5] Z. Su, Ultrafast photocurrent detection in optoelectronic devices, in: Aust. Res. Counc. Cent. Excell. Transform. Meta-Optical Syst. Mon. Talk, Canberra, Australia, 2021.

[6] Z. Su, N. Wang, H.H. Tan, C. Jagadish, Wurtzite/Zincblende interface induced carrier localization in novel InP nanomembrane homostructure, in: Aust. Res. Counc. Cent. Excell. Transform. Meta-Optical Syst. 2020 Forum, Canberra, Australia, 2020.

[7] Z. Su, Luminescence landscapes of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond: Quasi-localized vibrational resonances and selective coupling, in: 2019 Overseas Young Talent. Forum, Southeast Univ., Nanjing, China, 2019.

[8] Z. Su, P. Ferrari, M. Bejide, S. Knoppe, P. Lievens, E. Janssens, Wavelength-dependent nonlinear absorption and refraction properties of monolayer-protected Au25DDT18 clusters in solution, in: 2019 Gordon Res. Conf. Clust. Nanostructures, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2019.

[9] Z.C. Su, Z. Deng, J.Q. Ning, X.H. Wang, S.J. Xu, On Reverse Physical Processes of Carriers in a GaInP Single Junction Solar Cell: Burstein Shift and Thermal Transfer, in: Acad. Innov. Forum PhD Students Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., Shanghai, China, 2016.

[10] Z.C. Su, J.Q. Ning, Z. Deng, S.J. Xu, R.X. Wang, S.L. Lu, J.R. Dong, H. Yang, Radiative recombination mechanism transition of carriers in GaInP/GaAs single junction solar cell, in: E-MRS 2015 Spring Meet., Lille, France, 2015.



ACS Photonics, Nanoscale, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Scientific Reports,Journal of Luminescence. 


Solid-state Luminescent Materials,Frontiers in Materials

New Trends in Semiconductor and Nanophotonic Devices and Their Applications,Micromachines



单位:微电子学与固体电子学系 出生年月: 学历:博士 职称:副教授、副研究员、高工 职务: 电话: 邮箱:suzhicheng@seu.edu.cn 地址:九龙湖电子大楼602

东南大学至善青年学者    2022

欧盟委员会卓越研究计划奖    2019 

香港大学研究生奖学金       2013-2017

单位:微电子学与固体电子学系 出生年月: 学历:博士 职称:副教授、副研究员、高工 职务: 电话: 邮箱:suzhicheng@seu.edu.cn 地址:九龙湖电子大楼602





