Advanced Photonic Center successfully host the “Forum on frontiers of light manipulation”


On May 18, 2018, the “Forum on frontiers of light manipulation”, hosted by Advanced Photonics Center (APC) at Southeast University, was successfully held in the conference room of Jinling building. Prof. Bing Gu chaired this forum. This forum consisted of 4 speakers, which are Prof. Shuqi Chen from Nankai University, Prof. Yangjian Cai from Shandong Normal University, Associate Prof. Fei Wang from Soochow University, and Associate Prof. Zhuqing Zhu from Nanjing Normal University. Prof. Zhuyuan Wang, vice-president of School of Electronic Science and Engineering, teachers and graduate students attended the forum.

Four lectures addressing different application of light manipulation technology are given by the speakers, which are “Manipulation and application of artificial microstructural of manipulation of light fields”, “Research on manipulation of laser coherence”, “Transmission characteristics of partially coherent light in atmospheric turbulence”, and “Manipulation of magnetization field under the condition of tight focusing of vector field”.


Professor Shuqi Chen’s report introduces the use of artificial microstructures designed with different structures to realize the arbitrary clipping of light in the near and far fields, leading to the realization of effective manipulation of the amplitude, phase and polarization state of light. Professor Yangjian Cai’s report mainly introduces the latest research progress of coherent structure regulation for effective resistance to atmospheric turbulence, measuring orbital angular momentum of vortex beams, breaking through diffraction limits, and shaping longitudinal fields. Professor Fei Wang’s report introduces the characteristics of partially coherent light and atmospheric turbulence from theoretical deduction to experimental verification. Professor Zhuqing Zhu discussed in depth the orientation and functional manipulation of the magnetization field induced by light and its application in all-optical magnetic storage.

After the reports, we had a discussion and exchange in view of the development trend and problems in the field of light manipulation. This forum strengthened academic exchanges between teachers and students, and deepen our understanding in the field of manipulation and application of artificial microstructural of manipulation of light fields, manipulation of laser coherence, transmission characteristics of partially coherent light in atmospheric turbulence and manipulation of magnetization field under the condition of tight focusing of vector field, providing a good opportunity to boost the scientific research level and expand the research area in APC.


A brief introduction to the report of the experts:

Dr. Shuqi Chen, the professor and doctoral supervisor of School of Physics, Nankai University and Institute of Applied Physics of Taida, was selected to be the New Century Talent Supporting Project by education ministry in 2013, and was also selected to be training program for the leader of a hundred young subjects by the Nankai University in 2014. The research focuses on advanced photonics and acoustic microstructures, and published more than 70 SCI papers in the periodicals such as Phys. Rev. Lett., Light: Sci. & Appl. and Adv. Mater., and participation in the book “Metamaterials--Devices and Advanced Applications”. He was responsible for the National Natural Science Foundation, the Education Ministry, the new century outstanding talents project, the 973 subjects countries, the state key research and development plan, and the Tianjin Natural Fund.

Dr. Yangjian Cai, President, professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Physics and Electronic Science, Shandong Normal University, obtain National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation, and a hundred Excellent Doctoral Dissertations in China. He has been engaged in basic research of manipulation of light fields and its application for a long time, published more than 270 papers on SCI authoritative journals, and published 7 invitation papers. He won the second prize of science and technology award of Education Ministry, and chaired by the National Science Fund for outstanding young people, the key project of the major research plan of new manipulation of light fields physics and application. 2014-2017, he was elected to the list of “highly cited scholars in China” issued by Elsevier, in 4 consecutive years.

Dr. Fei Wang, associate professor of physics and photoelectricity and energy in Soochow University, graduated from the School of Optoelectronic Information Engineering of Zhejiang University in 2008, and received a Ph. D. in optical engineering. He researches on coherent optics, manipulation of light fields and beam transmission, for a long time, including manipulation of coherent structure, phase and polarization of light field, produces novel laser beams; light intensity, polarization and coherence in random media, optical imaging and communication in random media. More than 60 papers have been published in international journals such as Opt. Lett., Appl. Phys. Lett. and Opt. Express.

Dr. Zhuqing Zhu, Vice President and associate professor of the School of Physical Science and Technology, Nanjing Normal University, the Specialized Committee member of the China Optical Society and Light Information Processing, the eighth Committee of the Optoelectronic Technology Specialized Committee, and the board of the Third Council of the China Academy of Instruments, the Optical Mechanical and Electrical Technology and System Integration Branch of China. He has been mainly engaged in the research of the manipulation and transmission characteristics of the vector focal field, the ultra-fast magnetic optical storage and the super-resolution optical imaging, and so on. He has published nearly 30 papers in SCI or EI. Participating in the 1 National Natural Science Foundation, chaired 1 items of the Provincial Education Department, and participated in 3 Provincial and Departmental projects, guide 2 outstanding master's postgraduate papers.


(Contribution by Bing Gu and Guanghao Rui)