Professors from School of Engineering, University of California, Irvine visit SEU School of Electronic Science and Engineering


    Professor Gregory Washington, dean of School of Engineering from University of California, Irvine, visited Southeast University with two other staffs on July 12, 2017.The two universities had adiscussion on internationalization of talents’training and scientific research. Sun Litao, dean of the School of Electronic Science and Engineering and ZhongXuefei, deputy dean of the Schoolof Electronic Science and Engineeringattended the meeting. Dean Sun introduced the school’s teaching and research situation. Dean Zhong reported the student picking progress and the performance of “3+2” program between SEU and UCI. Also, he made the suggestion to enlarge the major involved in this program. After the meeting, professor Gregory Washington and the staffs visited the Display R&D Center of SEU and the Advanced Photonic Center of SEU.